Hi All! Welcome to the Ladies of Letterpress community, a place where you can read about our adventures in commercial, fine-press, and zine printing, ask for advice and learn from other printers, share resources, and get inspiration for your own business and work--all for the love of letterpress. Anyone is welcome to join, and membership is 100% free.
Ladies of Letterpress also lives at ladiesofletterpress.ning.com, a great site for online communities, where you can make your own page for other Ladies of Letterpress to see, start your own blog, ask questions or post topics in the forum, and post videos and photos of your own work.
In addition to building this community, we plan on attending book and craft fairs, having meetups and collaborative projects, and finding ways to help others through letterpress printing and the book arts. If you would like to be a guest blogger, contact us with your idea; posts will appear here and on the ning site.
Who are we? Jessica is an MA and MFA holder in printmaking from the University of Iowa, and proprietor of Heroes and Criminals Press. Kseniya is the owner of Thomas-Printers, a commercial letterpress and design shop, and YonderYest, a letterpress wedding stationery company.
Coming very soon, Ladies of Letterpress t-shirts designed by fellow printer and designer Todd of Angel Bomb Design in Minneapolis. Just in time for spring! Check back soon for details.
Questions or ideas? Let us know!